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Writer's pictureLosha

Silesha: Everything

November 15, 2024

Message from Silesha Everything

I greet all of you lovely beings there on Mother Earth…I like to call her Terra…and you, my beloveds, are amazing Terrans!

I am Silesha.  I am a 12th dimensional being from a far away planet.  I am most pleased to be able to share some of my wisdom with you…which, hopefully, will help you to keep moving higher and higher there in your 3D, soon to be 5D, world.

You all have been “striving” for so long, and with so much effort…we know you are tired.  We can see it and feel it…however, we also can see and feel how it has become a bit lighter and brighter, recently.

There are changes afoot…not just in the United States (where Losha lives), but all across your world!  There are great changes coming…and with those changes will be the challenging time of “transition”...from one kind of world to another…a world that was rather dark, and full of disillusionment, to a world that is Light, and full of Love.

Yes, it will still take some time to get to your full-fledged Golden Age, but believe it or not, you are well on your way.  Just look deep within your own heart…and see how much Love you have for your beautiful Terra, and all of humanity, including the lovely animals and plants.

It is Love which is going to bring about change…Love is the answer to every question.  Love knows All.  I could go on and on about how very basic and profound, Love is.

Just know this…each of you possesses so much Love…much more than you know…and you are learning how to share it with others around you.  Each time one of you shares your Love with another, then that “ripple” of Love continues to expand outward, from the one you shared it with, to the next person, and the next person…and so on.  It may sound simple but it is actually very profound, and involves large amounts of etheric energy…that is why it is taking a while to travel all the way around the world…there are many, many loving interactions that are needed to take place, before each being on Terra, is infused with enough Love, and those wonderful high vibrations, to then transform your Terra, and all those upon her, into wonderful Light beings!

I tell you now…you are much closer to this happening, than you know.  All each of you needs to do is continue to love each other, as often and as deeply as possible, and you will be well on your way!

I know that times are a bit tumultuous in many geographical areas right now, and many family members are not happy with each other due to conflicting beliefs about various topics.  I say to you…do not try to persuade them to change their beliefs, or change their allegiances…just love them.

That may sound too simple a solution, and not a good way to “convert” them…but Loving a person who has a strong, opposing point of view from your own, is the hardest thing for a human to do.

That is exactly why I am bringing this up…humans tend to think they should try to sway other’s minds with facts, and information and news…I ask you, how often has that worked? (wink)  Our Losha is nodding in agreement!

Losha has created her own little mantra to help her to stay centered during these times of change…any words or phrases (or songs, poems, etc) which help to calm you, is a beneficial tool to have in your hands.  Those who meditate are doing another version of staying centered.  Losha just recites the words “Love and Peace” to herself and it immediately calms her and she can feel those beautiful energies flowing out of her, so that all on Terra can feel it.

All of us “up here” are surrounding you with Love, Light and Peace.  We are watching over you (along with your Spirit family) and can’t wait to hug you in person!

I will end this message at this time, however, there are many more to come!

With all of my Love,

Yours truly…Silesha.

Channeled by Losha.

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