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Writer's pictureLosha

JFK: Caring and Compassion Abound!

August 25, 2021

Message from JFK

I am still here, beautiful ones! I have not forsaken you by my silence recently...I was merely taking a break as you say...because I felt that I had said all I could say regarding the cabal and their evil doings. I have never enjoyed focusing on the negative topics and as you all know, negativity has been paramount, for a long, long time.

I am so very happy to see how many of you are trying mightily to stay in a positive mindset, as difficult as that is to do, right now. Losha has been avoiding all news lately, even the alternative versions, as even they seem to be rather fear-full, recently. It is fine to read something that is not brimming with positivity as long as you do not allow it to “get inside” of you...such as not being able to let it go and to then move on to other, more productive and enjoyable projects for the day.

As Losha was browsing various spokespersons whom she follows, she came upon a very wonderful and tangible update from Romana Didulo, of Canada. She is asserting that she is the now true Queen of Canada, and she calls it “Canada 2.0”...meaning a better version than the old!

Now, there are many discussions about whether or not she is truly who she says she is...however, what I would much rather focus on is that, no matter who she is, she is speaking the Truth, and doing things for humanity which are productive and tangible...and isn’t that what we all are looking for? We are tired of hearing seemingly the same words and phrases over and over...we want action.

Well, Romana Didulo is doing just that...she has created links for all 13 Canadian provinces (in the Telegram app) where all citizens can go to ask for help...and others who have the ability to help, can find a match nearby of someone who is asking for assistance. What a wonderful development!

It is true those kinds of projects have already been ongoing all over the world and many of you amazing Heart Souls either initiated them on your own, or have been involved in the actual helping of the others...either way, you are to be commended for your love and compassion!

What I have found even more uplifting is that Romana Didulo has such a large following of Canadian citizens and even citizens around the world, her actions can exponentially help others...causing the level of caring for others to go through the roof! Even though these new links have only been available for approximately 48 hours now, there have been many successful interactions of people helping people, which is such a wonderful thing to see!

Romana Didulo has even been prompt to respond to new situations that have cropped up, such as creating separate links for those who are looking solely for jobs. This project is a “living” is staying flexible and morphing to fit the needs of as many as possible...which is just what is needed, right now.

To make things even better, Romana Didulo has also created links for all of the 50 United States, and is now expanding it to include any other country that asks for it! Is that not the most wonderful creation? I believe so!

Romana Didulo “speaks” with her actions! All of this is something very tangible too...something every one of us can see with our own eyes...see how it is truly helping our fellow brother and sister, when it is truly needed most.

These links are also linking communities together again...they are getting to know their neighbors, especially since they have been “locked down” for some time now...but their hearts are not locked down! No, indeed! Their hearts are wide open for their fellow citizens, and that is a wondrous occurrence!

Compassionate projects such as this makes Losha’s heart soar...and mine as well! It is truly wonderful to observe the humble hearts of love reaching out to our brothers and sisters in need...and to then see those souls who have been helped, begin to reach out to help others, and so on and so on!

Well, I just wanted to provide this brief message because I am always looking for something positive to share with you beautiful souls. I will be speaking more as developments become more positive in nature...and they are beginning to do so now, which is truly wondrous!

I love each of you who are reading this and I am watching over you all. Until next time we meet, I am...

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Link for Romana Didulo:

Channeled by Losha.

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Apr 02, 2022

we do not see enough of our queen Romana

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