February 3, 2025
Message from Sitra…our 111 yr old Evergreen Tree!
A while back, I was sitting out on our front porch with my husband, just reveling in the beauty of Mother Nature. We are blessed to be able to live in a place that is surrounded by beauty…pine trees, aspens, wildlife, lakes…so much beauty.
Well, as we were sitting there, I focused on the very big pine tree which was sitting right next to our deck (in fact, we had our deck designed in such a way as to leave a “cutout” for this beautiful tree). As I was focused on “her”, I was thinking “Do you have a name, beautiful one?” Not long after asking that question in my mind, I heard “Sitra”. I thought…"that is a beautiful name!” (I looked the name up and one translation said it was "a tree in heaven”!)
Since learning Sitra’s name I have been feeling like she has a message for humanity.
Here is what she said to me…
I have chosen the name Sitra because it represents my “purpose” here on Earth…that of giving Love to all beings around me, including all of my fellow plants and animals.
We like to call ourselves “The Keepers of Love”...we are always sending out Love vibrations to all who surround us…plants, animals, and especially including humans.
When you are walking through our forests, you are receiving the vibration of Love, whether you are aware of it or not. Have you ever noticed, while you are taking your walk, that you begin to feel calmer, and possibly happier? That is what our Love is doing for you!
Something we also do that you may not be aware of, is we “protect” you. The closer we are to you physically, the more we try to protect you. Just as I occupy a very prominent position to Losha’s home (see pic), I am able to use my physical and energetic position to protect Losha and her family inside. So, please know that we are watching over you in our own way. (smile)
Another aspect I want to address is what you humans do for us when you are within our sphere of nature…you also provide an energy that helps us…it isn’t quite Love (unless you are consciously sending us Love…and we thank you!)...but it is a form of “sustenance” for us…a Life-giving food, of sorts. It helps us to nourish ourselves, and then we can transmit it along our underground “energy center”, where it will range far and wide…and help to nourish many others, as well! So, we thank you very much!
As many of you have realized…we are all in this life here on Gaia, as one…together forever. It is very important that we all stay connected with each other!
Losha is always feeling like she isn’t giving enough conscious attention to all of the plants and animals that surround her…but she is learning that even just being in our midst, in our sphere of energy, she is giving us much…so, to all of you, please don’t worry if you don’t feel as connected to us as you feel you should…because you are!
If you are a being who is aware of the energy world around you, then you can’t help but provide us with your own beautiful energy and love when you are near. It is just the beautiful way the world of energy works!
One last thought for you…you must believe in yourselves…you must continue to provide others with your Light because the world needs as much Light as you can give right now, more than ever.
You beloved souls are creating an amazing world…don’t give up…keep shining your Light!
Whenever you are feeling stressed and frustrated with the “illusions” going on in your world at the moment, please find a moment to go outside and immerse yourself in the natural world…you will be re-energized by our Love! We love each and every one of you!
Thank you for listening to me today. I am sending you much Love.
Channeled by Losha.
Wonderful, reassuring message from Sitra. And what a protector at your door! Messages from trees and nature, in general, are so needed now more than ever. I wonder what Sitra would say about the recent fires in forests - how do the trees feel, do they choose to regenerate there or do trees choose to regenerate elsewhere, can trees read our mental/physical health, the importance or not of climbing trees, what do animals feel about trees, are different species of trees in competition with each other in a cooperative manner versus invasive species of trees being in competition with each other - root competition/entanglement, (willows, for example, drinking in more water than others), trees opinions of buildings, using chain s…
Back during a very dark time for me, I would walk this nature trail and sit under the same tree daily. I felt a kinship with it. I had no idea why or how. Eventually I would speak to it as if it was a person. Aware of the positive loving energy trees put out, I would place my hands on it and sometimes even give it a big hug. Once, while hugging this tree, a jogger came by and saw me. I was completely embarrassed as I'm sure I looked like a crazy person... hugging a tree. But, it was all good. Thanks for sharing Losha! Great to hear from you again... - Andrew
Awww pleased to meet you Sitra!!! Thank you for sharing your love, healing and protection with all of us! Sending you and all the trees abd plant life family across the llolodfs of love and gratitude for all you do for us abd fit just being here on planet earth serving your purpose! Thank you for sharing this wonderful message of light with us Angel Losha!!! Love love love you!!! 🙏🏽💜💜💜😊🤗🎶🎶🎶✨✨✨✨🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾