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Writer's pictureLosha

From Buddha: Stay in Your Center

August 29, 2021

Message from Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

I am here. I have been here for a long time now. I have been studying from above just as I did when I was below, on Earth. I am pleased to be able to give my message through this one.

It has been many centuries since I was in physical form. Much that is both positive and negative in general, has happened since my time. I have been observing all of the many varying “reactions” to the events that are a part of the 3rd dimensional life...and it is those reactions that I would like to address, at this time.

A reaction is a choice...many of you may not agree with that statement, however it is still the truth. Whenever an event in your life results in a specific outcome, it is at that moment, that you have a choice as to how you will respond to that outcome.

You can just react right away, with anger, fear, etc, without giving it any thought...or you can pause for a moment and seek your “center” before you speak, or react...and your response will be much more neutral and with less uninhibited emotion. In most cases, when one is able to respond from their center, the situation will not be as charged with intense emotions, and will be able to be resolved in a clearer manner.

I understand that giving pause before you respond is most difficult to do...even I was challenged with that concept in the beginning. However, the rewards for seeking your center first are immense! Your days will be much more joyful and you will feel as if you are “in the moment” will no longer be a slave to your emotions.

Now, of course it is easier to access your center more quickly if you are able to meditate regularly. However, formal meditation does not appeal to everyone, and I have learned that there are many ways to can be in a meditative state while doing the gardening they are so passionate about, or when one goes for a walk in nature...this channeler likes to think of it as a form of “active” meditation...doing something that takes you to a higher, more spiritual state...and usually that happens when you are feeling passionate about whatever task thrills you the most...that is when you are in your center, your place that is your sacred space. It is from that space that you will be able to respond to situations from a more neutral perspective, and you will find yourself feeling as if you are “one” with everything!

The primary doctrine of what is called Buddhism is the concept of “non attachment”...that is very similar to feeling neutral about things that are happening in your lives. If you are able to do that then you are “not attaching” your emotions toward that particular situation. Staying neutral also allows you to be more able to see both sides of the situation, which then allows for a more collaborative discussion instead of an argument.

So, the next time you are in the middle of an intense situation, and you are feeling like lashing out in anger or reacting defensively, teach yourself to “Take Three” take a three second break in that moment, so that you may try to respond less emotionally and in a more neutral manner. I would suggest you try to make those three seconds last for as long as you can...possibly by breathing deeply, to allow your emotions to calm down.

My channeler here is also trying to process what I am saying, and she knows she could also benefit greatly from the Take Three method. She is going to begin utilizing this approach and I am asking her to report back on what she learned from using it, in the near future, here.

My beloved friends, this journey of yours on Earth is a very challenging one...however, it can also reap great rewards for you if you learn to address your daily life and all its various experiences from your center...the center of your soul. Life is right in front of you for those who want to learn from it, and to continue to evolve themselves, and to also help others to find their center, along the way.

It was my pleasure to speak with you through this channel on this day. May your days be filled with Love.

Your Siddhartha Buddha.

Channeled by Losha.

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7 commentaires

30 août 2021

This is a perfect place to share with you...

This morning of 8/302021 I meditated which is something I love to do daily...I find that after coming back from Mt. Shasta on Sunday the 22nd of August I am expanding my consciousness more rapidly and feel more often and easily in a state of grace...All flows more easily, doubts are disappearing and Love is so present...All feels so perfect...As you all know we are not alone ever, and it is through meditation and through acts of kindness, compassion that this becomes more tangible, we perceive other presences of Love and Light around us and within us...We feel and know we are part of something bigger than ourselves...This Oneness with Al…

30 août 2021
En réponse à

That is a wonderful message, Amparo! Also a nice "reminder" for all of us that there is lots of Love and Light surrounding us...always! Bless you, Amparo!



30 août 2021

I just went through an experience of what Buddha is talking about...I paused this time while surrounding myself with Light and decided to stay quiet...When the person left I sent him Love...

30 août 2021
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Yes, once we experience a "positive" result from our choices, I think it increases our motivation to ensure we feel that great feeling again...and again! All good! 🥰


30 août 2021

I like that this entity seems so real and down to earth--not a lofty construct of how I might "imagine" Buddha would be. Good advice to try, and exactly the right for our time.

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